Do you have a favourite lipstick that you stick to for all your nights out? Ever wished you could change it up a bit? Well now you can, without having to buy a new lipstick! Lipcote has a secret formula that leaves your lips with the perfect satin matte finish… Lipcote will be your lipstick’s new best friend.
Lipcote is the original lipstick sealer and secret of lasting lipstick. A true beauty staple, Lipcote is specially formulated to perfect and protect every lip colour shade for a smudge and fade proof finish. From cocktail glass to dancefloor, Lipcote lets you party with the perfect pout.
Rent a dress this week and you’ll receive your FREE sample of Lipcote – simply apply it and pop it in your handbag, and you’re ready for your big night out! Find your free sample in every order box.