London Fashion Week – Day 3: Vivienne Westwood, Peter Jensen and Margaret Howell Dresses
Vivienne Westwood started it yesterday, and today, Peter Jensen and Margaret Howell have continued what is now officially a SS12 trend – the red dress. At Westwood, a full length crimson gown with drop waist and layers is an inspired choice for the red carpet (someone young and carefree would work this well – perhaps Kristen Stewart or Blake Lively) and the tomato red cocktail dress by Peter Jensen was toned down with the simple addition of monochrome checked shirt. Margaret Howell, renowned for her relaxed, boyish designs, created a casual shirt dress that could work for day or night because of the jewel tone – a sumptuous ruby red – and is also a red dress will work for any age.
Rent Vivienne Westwood from Girl Meets Dress today!
Christina Lindsay, reporting on the best SS12 dresses at London Fashion Week for Girl Meets Dress.
You can follow Christina on Twitter: @The_Daydreamer_ or visit her blog, The Daydreamer.