Many customers have come to us requesting to hire prom dresses for events they are attending this month. So, we couldn’t hesitate to update anyone wanting to hire a prom dress on the lovely designer prom dresses we currently have gracing the prom dress hire section of the copacious GirlMeetsDress wardrobe.
Hire Prom Dresses for May-Dates
May events that have got people turning to us to take care of their prom dress hire ‘needs’ are the World Superyacht Awards, the Pirates of the Carribean Premier, and the Royal Caledonian Ball, to name a few. Oh, and for all fauna fans out there, there’s the Chelsea Flower show that falls at the end of this month. There are very few dresses at GMD HQ without a ‘May-date’. But, don’t despair. Several glamorous gowns are still gracing our hangers, in wait of the perfect May-date, so time is of the essence to hire. Prom dresses get a bad name, and many might think twice about their hire. Prom
dresses, on the contrary, should not be a dress option that is overlooked.
Prom Dresses – Hire the Crème de la Crème of Prom Dresses With no Strings/Frills Attached
Prom dresses don’t have to mean poofy pink monstruosities, worthy of the finest and cheesiest teen school leavers’ dance. Blair Waldorf’s quote sums up the changing attitude to prom and its rituals: ‘We don’t do prom queen; that’s for suburban high schools and the lame teen comedies that are set at them.’ What’s more, Blair’s prom dress, a couture Marchesa gown, could not be further from a sugary pink blob right out of a suburban rom-com prom-tale. (Just as well, prom date Nate doesn’t turn out to be her true prince!)

Prom Dress Hire Designers of the Moment
You couldn’t really get any closer to couture than the fabulous ‘Full Moon’ Ruth Tarvydas prom dress. Hire: £99 (It was over £600 at full price!). Another picture-perfect hire prom dress that will ensure you cut a dash is this sultry Suzannah ‘Corsage Maxi’ prom dress. Hire it for £79- originally, the dress retailed at £525.
Yet another fantastic member of the hire designer prom dresses collection is this Omar Mansoor prom dress. Hire yourself a piece of the British designer’s action for
just £79- it’s RRP was originally £540! And finally, the Amee Lou Floris dress (top)-one of our favourite designer prom dresses. Hire for £69, when you would have had to buy it for £300. Proof, if it were ever needed, that prom dress fairytale endings really do exist. Even if prom fairytale endings might not.